Archive Mobile phones successfully support farmers with weather and climate information – The Malian experience by RIC4REC

  • By Margot Steenbergen, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre
  • 16/11/2017

Photo by: RIC4REC, Mali

November 16, 1-2 PM GMT / RIC4REC has innovated to benefit Malian producers regarding increasing mobile phone adoption to provide weather and climate information to farmers. Mobile phones are useful for disseminating weather and climate forecasts among producers and enable decision-making on the best dates for ploughing, sowing, applying fertilizer for agricultural activities, and laundry and drying for women. Regarding resilience to climate change, the use of mobile phone technology has improved the ability to anticipate and adapt to climate change based on the supply of information on future events in the short term (daily) and medium term (seasonal information), along with advice and recommendation on agricultural practices as per the specific needs of each producer. Join this webinar to learn more!

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